#FastforFamilias: A Prayer for Families Separated at the Border

Join us today, June 29, to #fastforfamilias who are separated at the border.  Learn more, sign up, and spread the word!  http://fastforfamilias.com.  

Lord Jesus, as the Latina/o community, we come to You. It is You alone who save and deliver from racism and injustice, just as it is You alone who have saved us from our own sin and are transforming us day by day to be more like You. As You delivered the Israelites from slavery and the abuse of Pharaoh, please deliver us today. Our mothers, fathers, and children are suffering as we are targeted by a tyrant who says, like Pharaoh, "'Come, we must deal shrewdly with them or they will become even more numerous" (Exodus 1: 10). Like Pharaoh and Herod, he is also targeting our children. Jesus, please part the waters of our broken immigration system with your power, mercy, and grace. Lead us through our Red Sea, deliver our families at the border, our Soñadores, and our millions of familias, hermanas, and hermanos who still find themselves on the run with Pharaoah's army at their backs. Only You can do this. Deliver us, Precious Christ, and glorify Yourself.

At the same time, as You taught us to do, we pray for our enemies and ask that they would come to know You and be transformed by Your love. This is how You prayed for your Roman oppressors, and it is our model, too. We pick up our crosses and follow You. Lead us in the power of your radical love and non-violence of heart and action.
Lord, hear our prayers.